Join the Pine Ridge Civic League and support your neighborhood! Dues are only $25 per calendar year per household, annual dues are due January 1st of each year, but we understand if you need to pay later in the year. If you do pay later, please remember that dues paid within a calendar year cover the dues for that calendar year (not the upcoming year or a 12 month period from exact date of payment). Thank you!

Learn what your dues pay for here.


Past Membership Numbers

We strive for 100% membership as our development is not a member of an HOA, with annual dues at $25 we hope everyone will contribute so we can continue to fund family friendly events and beautification efforts!


To join:

Pay Online below (credit card convenience fee included). 


By Cash or Check. Please make annual dues check of $25 payable to "Pine Ridge Civic League" and mail to PO Box 6163, Virginia Beach, VA 23456-0163


you can drop off your check at the home of Jeremy Walker directly, 2221 Sandy Woods Lane. Please leave your dues in an envelope with your name and address in the box on her porch.